Bryn Mawr Hillel Constitution
*Updated as of Feb 3rd, 2021
Article I: Purpose
Bryn Mawr College Hillel is a student run organization whose purpose is to provide opportunities to
explore and celebrate Judaism and Jewish culture, and to enrich the lives of the Bryn Mawr College
community and its Jewish students. Such outlets may include, but are not limited to, the provision of
religious services, the sponsorship of educational events relating to Jewish issues, organization of Tikkun
Olam (community service) events, and the support of events whose purpose is to bring together Jewish
students on campus in a social environment focused on Jewish culture. Bryn Mawr College Hillel will
endeavor to address the needs of Jewish students on campus and to encourage a sense of community
between them by being pluralistic, welcoming, and inclusive.
Article II: Membership
All undergraduate students of the Tri-Co and undergraduates of Bryn Mawr College are invited to attend
events of Bryn Mawr College Hillel.
Clause 1: Active Membership
All Bryn Mawr College students are welcome to become members of Bryn Mawr Hillel. An active
member is defined as a student who has attended at least one Bryn Mawr Hillel event during that
academic year. In cases of extended absence (such as being on leave, or studying abroad) from
campus, active membership is determined by the last semester that the student was on campus.
They are also able to run for office when they return from leave or abroad, where eligibility is
determined by their previous semester on campus.
Clause 2: Alumnae/i and Guest Policy
Bryn Mawr College students are allowed to bring guests to on-campus events (such as Shabbat,
High Holiday Services, etc.) and should seek to notify the board in advance of any dietary
restrictions or accessibility concerns. If a student wishes to bring more than three guests, they are
encouraged to notify the board. Should an alum wish to attend an event, they can attend either as
a current student’s guest or can contact the Executive Board for permission. For off-campus
events (where transportation for attendees is required), it is at the board’s discretion to allow
guests or alums to attend as a part of Bryn Mawr Hillel.
Article III: Executive Board and Officers
The officers of Hillel will serve as leaders in the entire Jewish community. All the officers of Hillel are
expected to assist in event planning. In addition, the board shall endeavor to conceive and execute 1-2
non-Friday night Shabbat events per month of each semester. The Kehilah Chair will act as a leader in
the generation of event ideas and is responsible for executing at least two events per semester. The
board will ensure a rotation of responsibilities for board members at each event, ensuring that at least
one board member arrives early to set up and schmooze, and at least one member oversees clean-up. A
board member will act as a liaison with the Kosher Kitchen Manager for the academic year. The Kosher
Kitchen liaison and rest of the board will coordinate with the Kosher Kitchen Manager to facilitate board
and club members’ participation in the kashering and cleaning of the kitchen before and after Passover.
The board may create new positions as the need arises. The officers of the Hillel Board and their duties
are as follows:
President: The president’s duties include leading board meetings, working with the Rabbinic Adviser on
Jewish programming, serving as liaison between the Hillel board and the various offices of the college
affecting Jewish life, and overseeing all Hillel events. They will additionally maintain contact with the
board and the members of Hillel. The President will do everything in their power to ensure that the
mission statement is upheld. Candidacy for president is restricted to those who have served before on the
Hillel Executive Board.
Vice President: The Vice President serves to aid the president whenever necessary. Special focus
should be put on looking for ways to improve the club. This may be achieved by interacting with students
and gathering feedback. In the president’s absence, they shall preside over meetings and take executive
responsibility. They shall mediate between members of the Executive Board. They will provide feedback
and oversight to make sure that Executive Board members fulfill their responsibilities and make sure that
events are running as smoothly as possible. The Vice President will take notes during meetings, and
communicate the to-do list to board members after the meetings. Finally, the VP shall maintain the
semester calendar and be a resource for the rest of the board members on things like ordering food,
planning events, working with Pensby and other clubs, etc.
Treasurer(s) : The treasurer/co-treasurers manage the finances of Hillel, create the budget in the fall and
spring before the academic semester during which the treasurer serves, and works with the SGA, AMO,
and Hillel of Greater Philadelphia to determine and oversee the overall budget of Bryn Mawr College
Hillel. The treasurer or co-treasurers will submit and track reimbursements, keep the budget
spreadsheet updated and accessible to board members, and coordinate grants with the rabbinic advisor.
Finally, Hillel treasurers will search out and train a junior treasurer.
Communications Chair: The communications chair is a multi-faceted role which includes managing all
publicity for Hillel events. The Communications chair takes responsibility for the website, maintaining a
current contact list, maintaining social media and writing weekly emails. The Communications chair may
also serve as archivist, and is in charge of all communications to the membership.
Kehilah Social Chair: The Kehilah Social Chair is in charge of organizing the Hillel community, searching
for opportunities for civic engagement, and leading social gatherings and cultural events. The Kehilah
Chair is responsible for hosting 2 events per semester and assisting other board members and club
members in executing event ideas. The Kehilah Social Chair will also serve as the point person for the
Social Action Committee. They should seek out opportunities to work with Pensby, other religious groups,
and other AMO groups.
Junior Treasurer: The Junior Treasurer will train under the Treasurer and assist the Treasurer in their
duties. The Junior Treasurer is encouraged to assume the role of Treasurer in the beginning of the
following semester if the current Treasurer is not intending to remain in their position. The Junior
Treasurer is allowed to serve as Junior Treasurer for consecutive years. To be eligible for this position, the Junior Treasurer should be able to serve as treasurer the following year (i.e. not a senior, not
intending to study away).
First Year Student of Hillel (FYSH): The FYSH is a role that is open to (but not required) interested first
year students. The board will publicize the optional position at the beginning of the spring semester, and
interested students will apply to the board. They will share what they are excited about being in leadership
of Hillel, and get to pursue their interest. This position should not be stressful.
Rabbinic Advisor: The role of the Rabbinic Advisor is to assist the community religiously and spiritually
in order to fulfill the mission statement and to encourage positive participation from the Jewish
community. The role also includes advising on board affairs and overseeing disputes within the board.
The executive board emphasizes that the Rabbinic Advisor will maintain constant open communication
with the board regarding any and all actions pertaining to Bryn Mawr College Hillel. Bryn Mawr College
was founded on the principle of self-governance, and the Rabbinic Advisor will support student leaders in
their self-governance through mentorship, advising, and direct intervention if needed . The Rabbinic
Advisor also acts as a resource to connect Bryn Mawr College Hillel to Hillel of Greater Philadelphia.
Clause 1: Attendance and Communication
Executive Board members are expected to attend the majority of all events held during academic
semesters. In the case of an absence, it is the responsibility of the absent board member to alert
the entire board at least 24 hours in advance. In the case of an emergency, personal or
otherwise, open communication should be maintained with the Executive Board, but of course
absences in this instance are accepted. In the rare case that an Executive Board Member is
unable to fulfill their responsibility, communication will be held in conjunction with appropriate
Executive Board members are expected to attend weekly board meetings as well as the majority
of all events. If a board member’s attendance becomes a concern, the President and/or Rabbinic
Advisor will discuss the attendance issue with the board member in order to raise concern and
inquire about the reason for the absences, and it is up to their discretion as to what next steps will
be taken. A board member may be asked to step down due to frequent unexcused absences.
Clause 2: Semesterly Meetings
The Executive Board will meet at the beginning of the academic year to define responsibilities for
each board member as well as to establish the communication styles, conflict resolution methods,
and other logistics and guidelines specific to that year’s board members. The board will then
revisit these guidelines at the beginning of the spring semester and make changes as needed.
The President, Vice President, and Rabbinic Advisor will lead these meetings.
Article IV: Elections and Appointments
The following positions are elected at Executive Board Elections: President, Vice-President, Treasurer(s),
Communications Chair, Kehila Chair.
The following positions are appointed in other manners: Junior Treasurer, FYSH, Rabbinic Advisor.
One term of office is one school year.
In the case of an officer’s need to resign, a replacement officer will be appointed by the board for the
remainder of that term. In the case of a co-position resigning, the board will hold a discussion as to the
necessity of a replacement. Anyone planning a leave of absence should notify the board immediately so
that a replacement may be found.
The current Treasurer and the Junior Treasurer will have a conversation before elections about how they
want their roles to look in the coming year (with the option to run as co-treasurers). Two people can run
as co-treasurers, or run against each other to be a single treasurer.
Clause 1: Executive Board Elections
Elections are to be held toward the end of the spring semester, with additional elections as
needed. Officers must be elected by a simple majority of the Hillel members physically present at
the meeting when the elections are held. Video chatting to the elections counts as being
physically present. Votes will be tallied by private election. Any active member may be nominated
for office in Hillel.
Candidates must state their intention to run for an Executive Board Position at least 24 hours
before Elections. Candidates must email the positions they intend to run for to the Rabbinic
advisor. If candidates fail to do so 24 hours in advance, they will be unable to run for a position on
the executive board unless the position would be otherwise uncontested. If the position is
uncontested the Rabbinic advisor must contact the Hillel Community stating that the position is
uncontested and ask for students to run for that role. Students will be given up to one hour before
elections to declare their candidacy via written communication (email, messaging service, carrier
pigeon, or otherwise similar) to the Rabbinic advisor for an uncontested position.
Candidates are not allowed to spend money on their campaign.
Elections are drop-down. Before each election candidates must give a short declaration of
interest of why they would be best for this position. First the President is elected, then the Vice
President, then the Treasurer, then the Communications chair, then the Kehilah Social Chair.
Candidates are allowed to run for one additional position if they are not elected to the position
that they declared. For example, a candidate may declare their candidacy for President, if they
lose then they may run in the election for another position.
Clause 2: Other Appointments
FYSH is appointed by an application process open to all frosh. The application is designed by the
current board within the first month of the spring semester. Frosh will have a week to submit
applications. Applications are reviewed by the board, and the board decides the best candidate.
All applicants should be notified of their status.
Junior Treasurer is appointed by board consensus. To be eligible for this position, the Junior
Treasurer should be able to serve as treasurer the following year (i.e. not a senior, not intending
to study away). This position can be appointed at any time.
The Rabbinic Advisor selection process is determined in coordination with Hillel of Greater
Philadelphia, and completed whenever necessary.
Article V: Meetings
Hillel board meetings are to be held at the discretion of the board—with a preference for weekly
meetings—and will discuss all topics pertinent to Bryn Mawr College Hillel. Board meetings are to be led
by the president. In their absence, the vice president. In their absence, it is at the discretion of the board.
Board meetings are open to members of Hillel who communicate with the Communications Chair that
they wish to attend the meeting.
Article VI: Committees
The board may create committees as the need arises.
Article VII: Anti-Discrimination Policy
This student organization does not discriminate on the basis of race, socio-economic status, color, sex,
gender, national origin, age, sexual orientation, disability, religion, or any other protected status.
Bryn Mawr College Hillel welcomes the full participation of all individuals in all club activities. Should you
need accommodation for an event, please contact board members. Requests should be made as early as
Article VIII: Ratification and Amendments
The board can meet to revise and amend the constitution by their simple majority vote. Following this
meeting, the Hillel community will be given the updated constitution. At elections the community will
propose and vote on any additional amendments by simple majority. The constitution will then be ratified
by a simple majority of Hillel members present at elections.
Constitution review is required to occur once a year and is led by the Rabbinic advisor. Any active
member of the BMC community can indicate the need for an additional constitution review. Any
amendments longer than a sentence will be submitted to Rabbinic Advisor or Board before a Constitution
review, then sent to the community. Students who are on leave or abroad can call in via video or phone to
these meetings.
Article I: Purpose
Bryn Mawr College Hillel is a student run organization whose purpose is to provide opportunities to
explore and celebrate Judaism and Jewish culture, and to enrich the lives of the Bryn Mawr College
community and its Jewish students. Such outlets may include, but are not limited to, the provision of
religious services, the sponsorship of educational events relating to Jewish issues, organization of Tikkun
Olam (community service) events, and the support of events whose purpose is to bring together Jewish
students on campus in a social environment focused on Jewish culture. Bryn Mawr College Hillel will
endeavor to address the needs of Jewish students on campus and to encourage a sense of community
between them by being pluralistic, welcoming, and inclusive.
Article II: Membership
All undergraduate students of the Tri-Co and undergraduates of Bryn Mawr College are invited to attend
events of Bryn Mawr College Hillel.
Clause 1: Active Membership
All Bryn Mawr College students are welcome to become members of Bryn Mawr Hillel. An active
member is defined as a student who has attended at least one Bryn Mawr Hillel event during that
academic year. In cases of extended absence (such as being on leave, or studying abroad) from
campus, active membership is determined by the last semester that the student was on campus.
They are also able to run for office when they return from leave or abroad, where eligibility is
determined by their previous semester on campus.
Clause 2: Alumnae/i and Guest Policy
Bryn Mawr College students are allowed to bring guests to on-campus events (such as Shabbat,
High Holiday Services, etc.) and should seek to notify the board in advance of any dietary
restrictions or accessibility concerns. If a student wishes to bring more than three guests, they are
encouraged to notify the board. Should an alum wish to attend an event, they can attend either as
a current student’s guest or can contact the Executive Board for permission. For off-campus
events (where transportation for attendees is required), it is at the board’s discretion to allow
guests or alums to attend as a part of Bryn Mawr Hillel.
Article III: Executive Board and Officers
The officers of Hillel will serve as leaders in the entire Jewish community. All the officers of Hillel are
expected to assist in event planning. In addition, the board shall endeavor to conceive and execute 1-2
non-Friday night Shabbat events per month of each semester. The Kehilah Chair will act as a leader in
the generation of event ideas and is responsible for executing at least two events per semester. The
board will ensure a rotation of responsibilities for board members at each event, ensuring that at least
one board member arrives early to set up and schmooze, and at least one member oversees clean-up. A
board member will act as a liaison with the Kosher Kitchen Manager for the academic year. The Kosher
Kitchen liaison and rest of the board will coordinate with the Kosher Kitchen Manager to facilitate board
and club members’ participation in the kashering and cleaning of the kitchen before and after Passover.
The board may create new positions as the need arises. The officers of the Hillel Board and their duties
are as follows:
President: The president’s duties include leading board meetings, working with the Rabbinic Adviser on
Jewish programming, serving as liaison between the Hillel board and the various offices of the college
affecting Jewish life, and overseeing all Hillel events. They will additionally maintain contact with the
board and the members of Hillel. The President will do everything in their power to ensure that the
mission statement is upheld. Candidacy for president is restricted to those who have served before on the
Hillel Executive Board.
Vice President: The Vice President serves to aid the president whenever necessary. Special focus
should be put on looking for ways to improve the club. This may be achieved by interacting with students
and gathering feedback. In the president’s absence, they shall preside over meetings and take executive
responsibility. They shall mediate between members of the Executive Board. They will provide feedback
and oversight to make sure that Executive Board members fulfill their responsibilities and make sure that
events are running as smoothly as possible. The Vice President will take notes during meetings, and
communicate the to-do list to board members after the meetings. Finally, the VP shall maintain the
semester calendar and be a resource for the rest of the board members on things like ordering food,
planning events, working with Pensby and other clubs, etc.
Treasurer(s) : The treasurer/co-treasurers manage the finances of Hillel, create the budget in the fall and
spring before the academic semester during which the treasurer serves, and works with the SGA, AMO,
and Hillel of Greater Philadelphia to determine and oversee the overall budget of Bryn Mawr College
Hillel. The treasurer or co-treasurers will submit and track reimbursements, keep the budget
spreadsheet updated and accessible to board members, and coordinate grants with the rabbinic advisor.
Finally, Hillel treasurers will search out and train a junior treasurer.
Communications Chair: The communications chair is a multi-faceted role which includes managing all
publicity for Hillel events. The Communications chair takes responsibility for the website, maintaining a
current contact list, maintaining social media and writing weekly emails. The Communications chair may
also serve as archivist, and is in charge of all communications to the membership.
Kehilah Social Chair: The Kehilah Social Chair is in charge of organizing the Hillel community, searching
for opportunities for civic engagement, and leading social gatherings and cultural events. The Kehilah
Chair is responsible for hosting 2 events per semester and assisting other board members and club
members in executing event ideas. The Kehilah Social Chair will also serve as the point person for the
Social Action Committee. They should seek out opportunities to work with Pensby, other religious groups,
and other AMO groups.
Junior Treasurer: The Junior Treasurer will train under the Treasurer and assist the Treasurer in their
duties. The Junior Treasurer is encouraged to assume the role of Treasurer in the beginning of the
following semester if the current Treasurer is not intending to remain in their position. The Junior
Treasurer is allowed to serve as Junior Treasurer for consecutive years. To be eligible for this position, the Junior Treasurer should be able to serve as treasurer the following year (i.e. not a senior, not
intending to study away).
First Year Student of Hillel (FYSH): The FYSH is a role that is open to (but not required) interested first
year students. The board will publicize the optional position at the beginning of the spring semester, and
interested students will apply to the board. They will share what they are excited about being in leadership
of Hillel, and get to pursue their interest. This position should not be stressful.
Rabbinic Advisor: The role of the Rabbinic Advisor is to assist the community religiously and spiritually
in order to fulfill the mission statement and to encourage positive participation from the Jewish
community. The role also includes advising on board affairs and overseeing disputes within the board.
The executive board emphasizes that the Rabbinic Advisor will maintain constant open communication
with the board regarding any and all actions pertaining to Bryn Mawr College Hillel. Bryn Mawr College
was founded on the principle of self-governance, and the Rabbinic Advisor will support student leaders in
their self-governance through mentorship, advising, and direct intervention if needed . The Rabbinic
Advisor also acts as a resource to connect Bryn Mawr College Hillel to Hillel of Greater Philadelphia.
Clause 1: Attendance and Communication
Executive Board members are expected to attend the majority of all events held during academic
semesters. In the case of an absence, it is the responsibility of the absent board member to alert
the entire board at least 24 hours in advance. In the case of an emergency, personal or
otherwise, open communication should be maintained with the Executive Board, but of course
absences in this instance are accepted. In the rare case that an Executive Board Member is
unable to fulfill their responsibility, communication will be held in conjunction with appropriate
Executive Board members are expected to attend weekly board meetings as well as the majority
of all events. If a board member’s attendance becomes a concern, the President and/or Rabbinic
Advisor will discuss the attendance issue with the board member in order to raise concern and
inquire about the reason for the absences, and it is up to their discretion as to what next steps will
be taken. A board member may be asked to step down due to frequent unexcused absences.
Clause 2: Semesterly Meetings
The Executive Board will meet at the beginning of the academic year to define responsibilities for
each board member as well as to establish the communication styles, conflict resolution methods,
and other logistics and guidelines specific to that year’s board members. The board will then
revisit these guidelines at the beginning of the spring semester and make changes as needed.
The President, Vice President, and Rabbinic Advisor will lead these meetings.
Article IV: Elections and Appointments
The following positions are elected at Executive Board Elections: President, Vice-President, Treasurer(s),
Communications Chair, Kehila Chair.
The following positions are appointed in other manners: Junior Treasurer, FYSH, Rabbinic Advisor.
One term of office is one school year.
In the case of an officer’s need to resign, a replacement officer will be appointed by the board for the
remainder of that term. In the case of a co-position resigning, the board will hold a discussion as to the
necessity of a replacement. Anyone planning a leave of absence should notify the board immediately so
that a replacement may be found.
The current Treasurer and the Junior Treasurer will have a conversation before elections about how they
want their roles to look in the coming year (with the option to run as co-treasurers). Two people can run
as co-treasurers, or run against each other to be a single treasurer.
Clause 1: Executive Board Elections
Elections are to be held toward the end of the spring semester, with additional elections as
needed. Officers must be elected by a simple majority of the Hillel members physically present at
the meeting when the elections are held. Video chatting to the elections counts as being
physically present. Votes will be tallied by private election. Any active member may be nominated
for office in Hillel.
Candidates must state their intention to run for an Executive Board Position at least 24 hours
before Elections. Candidates must email the positions they intend to run for to the Rabbinic
advisor. If candidates fail to do so 24 hours in advance, they will be unable to run for a position on
the executive board unless the position would be otherwise uncontested. If the position is
uncontested the Rabbinic advisor must contact the Hillel Community stating that the position is
uncontested and ask for students to run for that role. Students will be given up to one hour before
elections to declare their candidacy via written communication (email, messaging service, carrier
pigeon, or otherwise similar) to the Rabbinic advisor for an uncontested position.
Candidates are not allowed to spend money on their campaign.
Elections are drop-down. Before each election candidates must give a short declaration of
interest of why they would be best for this position. First the President is elected, then the Vice
President, then the Treasurer, then the Communications chair, then the Kehilah Social Chair.
Candidates are allowed to run for one additional position if they are not elected to the position
that they declared. For example, a candidate may declare their candidacy for President, if they
lose then they may run in the election for another position.
Clause 2: Other Appointments
FYSH is appointed by an application process open to all frosh. The application is designed by the
current board within the first month of the spring semester. Frosh will have a week to submit
applications. Applications are reviewed by the board, and the board decides the best candidate.
All applicants should be notified of their status.
Junior Treasurer is appointed by board consensus. To be eligible for this position, the Junior
Treasurer should be able to serve as treasurer the following year (i.e. not a senior, not intending
to study away). This position can be appointed at any time.
The Rabbinic Advisor selection process is determined in coordination with Hillel of Greater
Philadelphia, and completed whenever necessary.
Article V: Meetings
Hillel board meetings are to be held at the discretion of the board—with a preference for weekly
meetings—and will discuss all topics pertinent to Bryn Mawr College Hillel. Board meetings are to be led
by the president. In their absence, the vice president. In their absence, it is at the discretion of the board.
Board meetings are open to members of Hillel who communicate with the Communications Chair that
they wish to attend the meeting.
Article VI: Committees
The board may create committees as the need arises.
Article VII: Anti-Discrimination Policy
This student organization does not discriminate on the basis of race, socio-economic status, color, sex,
gender, national origin, age, sexual orientation, disability, religion, or any other protected status.
Bryn Mawr College Hillel welcomes the full participation of all individuals in all club activities. Should you
need accommodation for an event, please contact board members. Requests should be made as early as
Article VIII: Ratification and Amendments
The board can meet to revise and amend the constitution by their simple majority vote. Following this
meeting, the Hillel community will be given the updated constitution. At elections the community will
propose and vote on any additional amendments by simple majority. The constitution will then be ratified
by a simple majority of Hillel members present at elections.
Constitution review is required to occur once a year and is led by the Rabbinic advisor. Any active
member of the BMC community can indicate the need for an additional constitution review. Any
amendments longer than a sentence will be submitted to Rabbinic Advisor or Board before a Constitution
review, then sent to the community. Students who are on leave or abroad can call in via video or phone to
these meetings.